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Woo Hoo! What a Reunion! 

Friday, Sept. 30 - Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022  (We missed you if you couldn't make it!!)

50-Year Reunion Photos (click here)


Ernest Baker Ann Dunsmore  Tom Joynt Mo Portley
Jacque Barwick Scott Enderle David Keedy Robert Proctor
Mary Baumkirchner Jennifer Euler Kathleen Kellerman Peggy Rice
John Beachboard Leland Fenn Barbara King Martine Robinson
Anthony Bellantoni Valerie Fleming Janet King Robin Russell
Russell Betts Jane Gearan Robert Latta Laurie Smith
Linda Bogardus Kevin Gilbert Suzanne Levinson Debbi Snider
David Boggie Maudra Griffin Ana Lopez Norman Spencer
Michael Buhs David Grotts Dorothy Loveless Richard Stokes
Steve Chestnut Mark Harris Judy Martinez Russell Sulivan
Denise Conley Cindy Havens Dennis Means Kevin Thompson
Debora Cording Ken Hayden Vivian Montoya James Tilton
Anita Cox Ken Hoeft Daniel Near Liz Tufts
Glen Crane Daniel Hostetter Ernesto Otero Denise Vidlak
Jeanie DeHaven Don Hotchkiss Marybeth Perry Donna Wiend
Greg Dubinick Fleta Hylton JoAnn Porterfield Layne Young

Reunion videos:

Dedication Part 1: 

Dedication Part 2:

Memorial Path:

Herding Cats Part 1:

Herding Cats Part 2

More information to come to include getting your reactions to the reunion and the future.