Janet King Blair

Profile Updated: June 7, 2021
Janet King
Residing In: Whispering Pines, NC USA
Spouse/Partner: Doug Krueger
Occupation: Strategic Sourcing Lead at Ball Aerospace
Yes! Attending Reunion

My life has been great and I am happy about who I am. I have lived near Boulder and Denver, Colorado since 1984 and I LOVE IT. My work is in New Product Development for Engineering companies and because of that vocation, I have traveled internationally and experienced places and people that have been wonderful. Presently, I am at Ball Aerospace working in Electronics Supply Chain. On the personal side, I am single without children. My Brother, his wife and their children are in California and I visit them a few times during each year. My local family is my friends and my relationships are powerful and rewarding.

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Janet King Blair updated her profile. View.
Feb 14, 2016 at 10:21 PM